Sustainability Risk Policy Statement

Axiom is an investor-led, performance-driven partnership that holistically integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment process, organizational structure, and firm culture. As fiduciaries, investors, and responsible stewards of our clients’ capital, we construct portfolios of Dynamic Growth companies designed to meet our clients’ needs and deliver sustained, risk-adjusted performance over the medium-to longer-term.

We believe that ESG factors are material to achieving investment outperformance and managing investment risk. Therefore, our firm has integrated ESG into our Dynamic Growth investment process since our inception in 1998. We also believe that significant investment opportunities arise when companies improve their ESG characteristics, and in order to advance favorable outcomes, our investment team incorporates ESG considerations into our regular engagement with company managements.

We evaluate progress on an ongoing basis and incorporate those developments into our proprietary risk and return rating, which influences our position sizing and proxy voting. Our structured, transparent, and repeatable framework ensures that we uniformly account for a variety of ESG factors while upholding our fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of our clients. In addition, we incorporate strategy and account for specific exclusions based on client directed ESG and other preferences.

Axiom’s entire organization is committed to integrating ESG into every aspect of business activities. We also strive to understand our client’s sustainability preferences to deliver transparent and customized reporting that meets their needs. Leading our responsible investing initiatives is Axiom’s dedicated ESG leadership committee, composed of senior executives from every functional area of the firm. Our leadership committee works across the entire organization to ensure that everyone at Axiom is advancing our ESG policies and practices.

As an independent, employee-owned partnership, responsible investing is integral to Axiom’s corporate culture of excellence. To that end, Axiom is a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and the Paris Agreement, in addition to being a signatory to the internationally recognized Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI).

No Consideration of Principal Adverse Impact Statement or Consideration of Principal Adverse Impact Statement

The SFDR requires an in-scope firm to make a “comply or explain” decision as to whether it considers the “principal adverse impacts” (“PAIs”) of its investment decisions on sustainability factors, in accordance with a specific regime set out in the SFDR. Given the size of our firm, Axiom Investors has opted not to comply with that regime and does not consider the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors in the manner prescribed by the PAI regime of SFDR. We will keep the decision not to comply with the PAI Regime under regular review, by reference to market developments.

Remuneration Policy Summary

Axiom has updated its remuneration policy to meet the requirements of SFDR and are aligned with the ESMA guidelines and SFDR (where appropriate). Axiom’s remuneration policy is designed to ensure that the remuneration of key decision makers is aligned with the management of short and long-term risks, including the oversight and where appropriate the management of sustainability risks in line with SFDR. Axiom’s remuneration policy is reviewed as required by regulations.

Click to view Axiom’s Remuneration Policy.


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